Assalamualaikum wbt...
Kesenangan yang datang
Tak akan selamanya
Begitulah selepas susah ada kesenangan
Seperti selepas malam datangnya siang
Oleh itu waktu senang jangan lupa daratan
Gunakan kesempatan untuk kebaikan
Sebelum segalanya terlepas dari genggaman
Kelak menyesal nanti tak berkesudahan
Apa guna sesalan hanya menekan jiwa
Jangan difikir derita akan berpanjangan
Kelak akan membawa putus asa pada Tuhan
Ingatlah biasanya kabus tak berpanjangan
Setelah kabus berlalu pasti cerah kembali
Ujian adalah tarbiyah dari Allah
Apakah kita kan sabar ataupun sebaliknya
Kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan
Semuanya adalah nikmat dari tuhan
so, after such a long time not writing i come! ;-) hehe...apologize to those who keep reminding me about updating my blog...n tq also for ur concern... =) hurm...let's go straight to my point this time...KEHIDUPAN...of course life full of its colours...happiness, excitement, joyful and also sadness, boredom and unpleasant feelings are those that made up our life to be as interesting as it should be...
At some stage in our life, we'll bump into some difficulties...n when it happens, i think, it's best for us to think that we're in the 'exam' mode...why? is a TEST...isn't it?and the 'test' is not for nothing...HE told us in HIS words:
"so, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief (5). Verily, with every difficulty there is relief(6)"
Hence, trust in HIM coz' for every difficulty, there is relief...
believe in HIM n u'll be okay, insyaALLAH...
p/s: to all 11th colony members, go0d luck in endblock exam!